Our history stretches all the way back to 1903, Theodore Roosevelt was the President of America and motor cars were few and far between on our roads. Back when punters were still paying in shillings, our predecessors had just settled in to the Glasgow Tobacco Warehouse, formally used for importing
Cleaning your house in preparation for moving
You’re all set, the date is in the diary and you are ready to move out your current abode into something different. It has consumed your life for the last few months but the end is near. The boxes are packed and the removal van is booked, all that’s left to do is clean the house in readiness for,
How to pack your crockery and glasses effectively
It’s not a surprise that everyone’s least favourite thing to do when moving home is packing. Juggling work, meals and everyday life, all while trying to live out of boxes and trying to resume your normal schedule. Adding to that is the pressure of keeping your glasses and crockery in one piece
Are You Wasting Space at Home? This Could be Costing You ££££
Recent studies show that UK homes have an average of 15% unutilised space. With the average house price of £226,906, this equates to thousands of wasted pounds both inside and outside the home – an average £34,000 of wasted space. The main underutilised areas being the attic, spare rooms and the
The ‘How-to’ Guide on Getting Rid of What You Don’t Need
The best way to make the most of the space you have is to get rid of the things you no longer need. There are psychological benefits to streamlining your living and practical ones too. If you think of your excess stuff as emotional baggage, it can help to reframe your mind and help you see whether
The Smartest Way to Spring Clean
After a somewhat snowier-than-usual transition from winter, it’s finally springtime. We spend a lot of time indoors over the winter, so spring is a great time to give our homes a once over to get them looking great again. Here we share some hints and tips to make it as easy as possible to spring
Moving house? Here’s how to remove the stress
There are lots of reasons that you might be moving to a new house this new year. The ones we can think of are downsizing, needing more space, relocating, retirement, change in lifestyle / circumstances, change in relationship, a new arrival, move closer to family, move closer to a good school, the
Make Moving Easier by Knowing How to Pack Your Van
Moving house comes with its own set of challenges and stresses. But you can make the day go more smoothly by planning ahead. Here we look at tips and tricks when it comes to loading your removal van. Some of these may seem really obvious. However, given the number of things you need to remember to
Events and Festivals Around Glasgow To Make Your Summer More Fun
Whether you live in Glasgow or you’re just visiting, there’s always something on for you to get out and enjoy. By making time to enjoy the festivals and events in the city you’ll discover new things, meet new people and enjoy this fine city even more. Here’s our selection of some of the best
A Healthy Way to Help People in Glasgow
If you’re looking to keep fit and help others less fortunate than yourself, here’s a list of some of the events coming up in Glasgow. These are an opportunity for you to feel the benefit of physical fitness and the glow from helping other people. And there are lots of these events around. Please let
How Students Can Make Use of Self Storage
When you’re a student you’ll often find yourself staying in accommodation with smallish rooms and not enough storage space for your things. And, usually, you’re not allowed to make holes in the walls (voluntarily at least), which can somewhat restrict your ability to install clever storage
A Student Guide to Glasgow
As a student, you’ve made as great decision right at the start of your course – choosing Glasgow. Here’s the ultimate student guide to getting more out of Glasgow. Have fun. (Maybe study a bit too.) Lots of pubs (hooray) No student guide would be worth its salt unless it mentioned pubs! Glasgow’s