There are plenty of reasons why you might need to get your clothes into long-term storage. But regardless of whether you’re jetting off on a gap-year or simply need to clear some extra space in your wardrobe, you need to make sure your clothes are well protected. Here’s a guide – detailing how to
Self-Storage Tips – 7 Ways to Stay Organised When Renovating
When undertaking a renovation project, it’s difficult enough to stay sane, let alone organised. Even seemingly simple renovations can leave the most zen-like person tearing their hair out, especially if they haven’t planned the process in advance. If you’re about to embark on a renovation
The Fine Art of Creating Your Own Man-Cave
If you’re a male of a certain age, you probably have your own special drawer in the house. It’s the one that contains that valuable little set of screwdrivers that you got in a Christmas cracker, several batteries, elastic bands, superglue and other DIY-based goodies. The comedian Michael McIntyre
Want to Travel and Sell Up (Without Selling Everything)? Self-Storage is the Answer…
Have you got a yearning to sell up and travel the world? If so, you’re certainly not alone. According to the latest provisional statistics from ONS (Office for National Statistics), 63.4 million visits abroad were made from July 2014 to July 2015. That’s a lot of people departing UK shores to
Self-Storage: Boring Place to Store Your Stuff… or Treasure Trove of Valuables?
A self-storage unit is a rather dull thing, right? Well, that depends on how you look at it. Admittedly, on the one hand, it is essentially an empty room. It’s four walls, a ceiling and a floor; plus the occasional bit of shelving or cupboard space. You’re welcome to hang the odd painting on the
Students: Stressing About Moving Out? Here’s How You Make Your Life Much Easier…
If you’re due to go to a Glasgow University this year, you might already be worried about what you’re going to do with all your things. After all, student accommodation is notoriously small, even in the more modern buildings, and it’s unlikely that you’ll get away with taking your entire CD and DVD
Self-Storage: Five Ways to Create More Space in Your Home and Office
Free Up Space in Your Home and Office Both houses and workplaces have a tendency to get overcrowded, particularly with several family members or colleagues living and working in the same space. All too often, despite your best intentions to keep things tidy and maintain order, rooms start to