At GTW Storage, we love nothing more than helping ease the burden of too much stuff. Whether you’re moving house or just trying to be a little less sentimental, conceding that you might need some support is the first step! So, how can we help? Below are some of the top items we see in
Storage Solutions at GTW
Have you got a box or even a room filled with junk that you just can’t bear to part with? A whole bunch of stuff that holds great sentimental value, but you just don’t have room for anymore. Maybe even some mismatch bits of furniture that you are praying “come back into style”? Well, worry no more,
Five Signs That You Need Self-Storage
Whether you’re about to move, or are simply one of those types who likes to ‘hoard things’; you may start to notice some tell-tale signs in your home, letting you know that you need to start using a self-storage facility. Generally, people use self-storage when they notice that things in their
How bad storing facilities can affect your furniture
We are all guilty of trying to save our pennies when we’re moving home…a big expense as it is. One thing you don’t want to do on the cheap however, is organise storing facilities. Bad storage can cause catastrophic results for your prized possessions, which can end up costing you money, time and
What items aren’t suitable for storing
Although, you can put most items into storage, there are some things that are just NOT suitable. We have noted these below in order to help save you time and energy while deciding your storage needs. These are as follows: Perishable items. This may be obvious one, but any perishable items
How to pack your crockery and glasses effectively
It’s not a surprise that everyone’s least favourite thing to do when moving home is packing. Juggling work, meals and everyday life, all while trying to live out of boxes and trying to resume your normal schedule. Adding to that is the pressure of keeping your glasses and crockery in one piece
10 Best Space Savers for Student Halls
The time has finally arrived when you can say goodbye to your old childhood bedroom. Student life is on the horizon. You’ve packed the entirety of your old bedroom into your parents’ car minus the wallpaper you’ve had since you were 15, and you’re ready to start a whole new chapter. You finally
Are You Wasting Space at Home? This Could be Costing You ££££
Recent studies show that UK homes have an average of 15% unutilised space. With the average house price of £226,906, this equates to thousands of wasted pounds both inside and outside the home – an average £34,000 of wasted space. The main underutilised areas being the attic, spare rooms and the
How short-term storage can help you
Most of us have too much stuff. We collect and keep lots of things to remind us of the events in our lives. It’s great that we like to keep our memories alive, but do we need to keep everything in our homes? Or could we use some storage space to sort out our lives? Here we look at some smart reasons
Kids Off to Uni? Reclaim Your Space
When you kids go off to uni, it’s a time of mixed emotions. You’re sad to see them leave, but happy they’re taking their next steps into a bigger world. You’ll discover that sudden feeling of a lack of freedom when you become a parent works in reverse too. All of a sudden, you’ve got a lot more time
Moving house? Here’s how to remove the stress
There are lots of reasons that you might be moving to a new house this new year. The ones we can think of are downsizing, needing more space, relocating, retirement, change in lifestyle / circumstances, change in relationship, a new arrival, move closer to family, move closer to a good school, the
Move Abroad Without Fully Packing Up Your Life
If you’re looking for a new challenge in your life, moving abroad can be a whole lot easier than you might think. You could move somewhere with better employment opportunities in your industry. Or you could just decide you’d like to see the sun a bit more often. Whatever your reason for wanting to